Surfing Life’s Waves: Thoughts, Patterns, and Possibilities
This morning began with a walk and coffee, as it often does—a perfect way to clear my head. For a while, I felt the joy of fresh air and movement. But then, as usual, the thoughts came rolling in. You guessed it—those familiar waves.
At first, they were soft and reflective: “It’s so good to walk and get some air.” Then came the stronger, nagging ones: “You should be doing this or that. Why is it taking you so long to accomplish your goals? What’s wrong with you? Why are you choosing to be without a partner? Are you too picky? Shouldn’t you be more mindful of your daughter (even though she’s at her dad’s this week)?” And then: “Why hasn’t the opportunity I’ve been waiting for come through?”
Sound familiar?
I paused and thought about my client who’s been doing something I always suggest to others—writing things down. So here I am, taking my own advice, putting it all out there.
The truth is, I was thinking about the weekend ahead—Australia Day weekend, no less. Normally a festive time, I suddenly realized I’d be alone. No plans, no girls, just me. The thought hit me like a wave. Good thoughts, bad thoughts—they all started crashing in. “Should I plan something? See some friends? Or should I just be—with myself, my own company, the quiet I often crave? Read a book? Sit in stillness?”
As I felt the rise and fall of these thoughts, I noticed the energy in my body—the ups and downs. And then, I gave myself the freedom to reflect on this flow. Joe Dispenza’s words from his book came to mind: “We think the same thoughts today as we did yesterday, and we repeat the same patterns.” That’s exactly what I was doing—surfing my same old waves.
So I asked myself: What can I do differently?
The answer, as always, begins with awareness. Surfing is a good metaphor, isn’t it? Life’s waves can be challenging, but they also hold lessons. Some waves are exciting, others break you—but they’re all part of the ride. The question is: Do I want to stay stuck on the same waves, or am I ready to catch better ones?
I am not even a sea person, only like to watch (just saying), but this metaphor works. I want to ride waves that make me feel like I’m flying—not drowning. To do that, like anything in life, I need to learn where to focus my energy and who I want to be. I need to rewire my brain, create new patterns, and step into new possibilities.
It’s so easy to sit in those moments of sorrow—reflecting on your ex, the struggles of being a single mum, or the weight of life’s challenges. But come on, we can do better. We can choose to think differently, live differently, and bring fresh energy to our lives.
It’s a work in progress for me—just like everything else. Life, relationships, parenting—they all require effort. But here’s the thing: don’t let routine control you. Don’t wait for your partner, or anyone else, to make things happen. Take the initiative. Do something different. Break your patterns. You already know how good it feels when you step out of your comfort zone.
This weekend, I’m reminding myself—and you—to live in the moment. Not in the past, not in the future. Be open to opportunities, because the most amazing things often come when we least expect them.
So, if you’re celebrating Australia Day, don’t just celebrate the day—celebrate you. Catch those waves. Dream big. And remember: the best rides are the ones where you let go and embrace the flow.
Have a beautiful weekend!
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