So I had a few days off with no children. Only me and the air conditioner! My thoughts are were still racing with the question: What are your future plans? Then there’s the question of why I can’t sit still. Allow yourself to unwind and be grateful for what you have accomplished so far! So, I’ve done almost nothing this week!
I must admit that switching off was challenging for me… Can a single parent shut down when they have to think about finances, budgeting for the holidays, the next set of activities they should plan for their children next year, and what about their own plans? So I’ve decided to start by meditating! Nothing good happens at 11 p.m. when my partner and I are chatting…so I believe nothing good will happen when I have too many tasks and thoughts running through my head. You believe you must act fast because there are so many tasks to do, when in fact you must stop!
Now that I’ve taken the time to meditate and clear my mind, I can start planning my 2023.
I hope the steps below help you in setting your goals for 2023!

Take the time
When you’re full of thoughts and ideas, all you can see is fog. So I suggest that both you and I take the time to stop. Even if you believe you don’t have the time, no one is holding you back or forcing you to do things right away. Yes, we face workplace pressures such as deadlines and the fear of failing to meet our KPIs. You will be less productive if you have too much “Balagan” (mess in Hebrew) in your head. So, first and foremost, I recommend that you take care of yourself by practicing meditation and breathing techniques. I know it may be a foreign language for some of you, but if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you know you should make a change! I believe we should all incorporate meditation into our daily routines, even if only for 5 minutes!
I can share a Sri Sri meditation with you. Many videos are available to help you stop and clear your mind. Check out his YouTube channel at Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – YouTube
Choose one area that you would like to improve in 2023
When deciding on that, I would close my eyes and think about the first thought that came to mind, then go with it. Please write it down only after you have defined exactly what you want to improve in a specific area. Choose only one from your short list! For instance, I’d like to improve my time management. What exactly you would like to improve in that? Please write it using positive words. avoid using “I don’t”.
Write it down. I would like to …..
Choose one area that was not working for you last year
What exactly wasn’t working in 2022? Is it your job or your relationships? What was it that wasn’t working?
For example, my time management was poor last year, which caused me stress. But what exactly wasn’t working in my time

management? Maybe this year I prioritized certain things or “gave up” doing my tasks because I was distracted or just lazy. Perhaps in the health area, my mental health was not in good shape, or something in my relationships was not functioning properly. However, you must define precisely what was not working in that particular area.
Note it down.
What did work in that area that you have chosen?
Was there anything that worked for you last year after you decided on this specific area?
For example, writing down my daily tasks eased me from the stress of remembering everything I needed to do. Or when speaking up with my partner about things that hurt my feelings helped both of us work through the issue and grew our relationship. Again, I recommend stopping and considering whether there was even a minor thing that worked in the area you have chosen.
Make a note of it.
What is happening now?
Where are you with this concern now? Did something change? Do you consider changing something in this area? Or are you already working towards your goal? Please make a note of it.
I suggest you take a breather, make yourself a cup of tea, and then return to the next question.
What would you wish for 2023 to look like?
What potential do you have in the field you’ve chosen? What do you want to improve in 2023? For example, I would like to have a clear business plan. Or I’d like to see myself working through an organised schedule. Perhaps you’d like to have a better relationship with your children. Please make a note of it.
How can you bridge the gap?
It is time to bridge this gap after you have chosen the area that you want to focus on, thought about and written down what worked in 2022 and what did not work, what is happening now that we have just begun 2023, and how we would like to see it in 2023.
How do you intend to bridge the gap between what happened in 2022 and what should take place in 2023? When you think about it, please think big but doable/ achievable. We might wish to be wealthy tomorrow, but what are the chances of that happening? You might win something and become wealthy overnight. However, if it is up to you, how do you intend to jump into the water and begin changing your old habits and improve those specific areas.
What comes to mind when you think about what you’ve written in the past, present and future?
Please make a note of it. In the year 2023, I will……
I discovered a fantastic tool that can assist you in focusing and thinking creatively! I use it occasionally, and it always says the truth, your truth – Points of you cards or digital (use aff5tools to receive a discount)
Good luck, enjoy the process and please share your thoughts, comments and how this process went for you!
One of my new years commitments is to give something back during the summer holiday (it’s summer in Australia, at least according to the calendar), so I’m offering one FREE life coaching session and one entire process of Parenting coaching (12 meetings) to only one family who is committed to making a change.
This offer is only valid until the end of January 2023, please reach out and let’s get started..
Happy New Year!